GAP Photos
Recycling in the garden
Recycling ideas for the garden
Location: not applicable
Photographer: Maxine Adcock

0085546 - Detail of green rubber mulch made from recycled tyres

0085547 - Detail of 'Magnolia' rubber mulch made from recycled tyres

0085548 - Detail of grey rubber mulch made from recycled tyres

0085549 - Detail of 'Redwood' rubber mulch made from recycled tyres

0085550 - Detail of 'Green' rubber mulch made from recycled tyres

0085551 - Detail of blue rubber mulch made from recycled tyres

0085552 - Detail of 'Earthtone' rubber mulch made from recycled tyres

0085553 - Detail of coloured rubber mulches made from recycled tyres

0085554 - Detail of coloured rubber mulches made from recycled tyres

0086842 - Natural jute garden twine in small rustic set of drawers

0086844 - An old bird's nest made from twigs and electrical wire. Found in a garden, probably built by Pigeons

0086845 - Biodegradable fibre plant pots

0086846 - Biodegradable fibre plant pots

0086855 - Close view of an old metal dustbin used to collect rainwater from a gutter

0086857 - Old shoe with moss growing on it

0089485 - Making a scoop out of a recycled milk carton - marking the line to cut

0089486 - Making a scoop out of a recycled milk carton

0089487 - Making a scoop out of a recycled milk carton

0089493 - Cutting newspaper into strips to make biodegradable and recycled newspaper pots

0089494 - Rolling strips of paper to make recycled and biodegradable newspaper pots with a paper potter tool

0089495 - Folding ends over before pressing into mold of a paper potter tool to make recycled and biodegradable newspaper pots

0089496 - Making recycled and biodegradable newspaper pots with a paper potter tool

0089497 - Using a paper potter tool to make recycled and biodegradable newspaper pots

0089498 - Using recycled plastic water bottles to make garden cloches

0089499 - Using recycled plastic water bottles to make garden cloches for seedlings

0089501 - Wooden paper potter tool and a biodegradable newspaper pot with a recycling symbol

0089502 - Biodegradable newspaper pots with recycling symbol

0089503 - Wooden paper potter tool and biodegradable newspaper pots with recycling symbol

0089504 - Wooden paper potter with recycling symbol on paper pot and biodegradable recycled newspaper pots in background

0089505 - Petroselinum crispum - Parsley in a pot plant holder made from a recycled onion sack

0089506 - Petroselinum crispum - Detail of Parsley in a pot plant holder made from a recycled onion sack

0089507 - Basilicus - Basil in a pot plant holder made from a recycled vegetable sack

0089508 - Basilicus - Detail of Basil in a pot plant holder made from a recycled vegetable sack

0089509 - Planting Sunflower seeds in biodegradable and recycled newspaper pots in Spring

0092274 - Helianthus 'Giant Single' - Sunflower seedlings bending towards the light in biodegradable fibre pots

0092275 - Helianthus 'Giant Single' - Sunflower seedlings growing in biodegradable newspaper pots

0092276 - Helianthus 'Giant Single' - Sunflower seedlings growing in biodegradable newspaper pots

0092277 - Helianthus 'Giant Single' - Sunflower seedling growing in biodegradable newspaper pot

0092283 - Compost heap - Recycling food and plant waste

0095615 - Helianthus 'Giant Single' - Sunflower seedling in recycled and biodegradable newspaper pot

0095616 - Helianthus 'Giant Single' - Sunflower seedling in recycled and biodegradable newspaper pot

0095642 - Shredded paper being added to kitchen waste bin for composting

0095643 - Used teabags being added to kitchen waste bin for composting

0095644 - Vegetable peelings being added to kitchen waste bin for composting

0095645 - Spent flowers being added to kitchen waste bin for composting

0095646 - Shredded paper, vegetable peelings and teabags in kitchen waste bin ready for composting

0096593 - Plant roots growing through a biodegradable fibre pot

0096594 - Plant roots growing through a recycled newspaper pot

0097850 - Solanum tuberosum 'Epicure' - Applying grass clippings as a mulch to earthed up organic Potatoes

0099898 - Young Tomato plant growing in recycled compost bag against a shed wall

0099899 - Young Tomato plant growing in recycled compost bag against a shed wall

0099912 - Biodegradable jute sack with leaves - Leave for a year once full of fallen autumn leaves to produce organic leaf mulch

0101826 - Organic Strawberry plants growing in a recycled chimney pot

0106276 - Shredded garden waste recycled on a compost heap

0108540 - Allium porrum - Young organic leek with recycled toilet roll placed around it to help with blanching

0108541 - Allium porrum - Young organic leeks with recycled toilet rolls placed around them to help with blanching

0108550 - Lettuce 'Red Oak Leaf' in recycled aluminium tin can

0110494 - Making a seed tray from recycled plastic container - Adding drainage holes

0111113 - Rustic wooden hen house made from recycled timber

0121712 - Fallen autumn leaves collected in a wire bin and left to rot down to make leaf mold

0123123 - Autumn leaves with rake and biodegradable jute leaf sack - Sacks are left for a year to break down and produce leaf mold

0123124 - Raked autumn leaves being put into biodegradable jute leaf sack - Sacks are left for a year to break down produce leaf mold

0123125 - Autumn leaves being put into biodegradable jute leaf sack - Sacks are left for a year to break down and produce leaf mold

0132555 - Solanum tuberosum 'Duke of York' - Man holding recycled eggbox of chitted potatoes

0132556 - Solanum tuberosum 'Duke of York' - Recycled egg box of chitted potatoes

0135279 - Wire bins used to store fallen autumn leaves to make leaf mold

0137654 - Adding used washing up water to Phormium in container

0137657 - Drilling drainage holes in recycled metal container, ready for planting

0137658 - Watering a recycled tin bath of mixed garlic 'Purple Moldovan' and 'Lautrec'

0140181 - Step by step 1 of planting tomatoes in recycled container - Make holes in bottom of container and add gravel for drainage

0140182 - Step by step 2 of planting tomatoes in recycled container - Add compost after the gravel for drainage

0140183 - Step by step 3 of planting tomatoes in recycled container - Place plant in container

0140184 - Step by step 4 of planting tomatoes in recycled container - Fill up and firm in with compost

0140185 - Step by step 5 of planting tomatoes in recycled container - Water in well

0140186 - Adding grass clippings as mulch to potatoes 'Duke of York', beds designed for square foot gardening.

0140187 - Grass clippings used as mulch around potatoes 'Duke of York'

0141979 - Old bicycle leaning against rustic wooden bench and Betula trees in wild garden with Anthriscus sylvestris, cow parsley in May

0141980 - Driftwood windchimes hanging from tree

0141981 - Rustic figurative sculpture made from driftwood amongst flowerbeds of Aquilegia and Digitalis - Columbines and foxgloves

0142024 - Metal sculpture on plinth backed by mixed border including Rheum and Rosa in May - Ornamental rhubarb and roses

0142026 - Mixed border with Aquilegia, Iris and hanging recycled metal sculpture

0142037 - Rustic scarecrow and recycled plastic bottles on canes in vegetable bed

0142042 - Rustic animal sculpture made from driftwood amongst Geranium

0142043 - Rustic animal sculpture made from driftwood amongst Geranium and Aquilegia

0142053 - Terracotta architectural feature

0146290 - Recycled plastic bottles being used to water runner beans at roots

0146291 - Recycled plastic bottles being used to water onions at roots

0146293 - Compost heap with grass clippings, kitchen waste and spent flowers

0146400 - Rustic plant support frame made from recycled wood

0146414 - Lettuces growing in recycled galvanised metal container

0146415 - Young lettuces growing in recycled, galvanised metal container

0146416 - Recycled fencing made from buoys, driftwood and rusty metal in flowerbeds

0146418 - Wood shed with recycled galvanised metal water butt

0146422 - Rustic lean-to or greenhouse with tinbath water butt and rusty metal fish tail focal point

0146433 - Cucurbita 'Crown Prince' - Flowering pumpkin plant growing in recycled metal container

0148818 - Drainpipe on greenhouse and water butt

0148825 - Recycled glass jam jar on bamboo cane with netting for pest control and plant protection

0148831 - Recycled glass jam jar on bamboo cane with netting for pest control and plant protection

0148832 - Recycled glass jam jars on bamboo canes with netting for pest control and plant protection

0148850 - Man harvesting garlic from a tin bath

0148855 - Organic pest control on allotment with recycled cds and plastic bottles on bamboo canes in bed of kale and other brassicas, companion planting with Nasturtiums

0148866 - Climbing beans growing over a rustic recycled wooden ladder used as a wigwam

0148869 - Driftwood wind chimes hanging from apple tree

0150631 - Leeks with recycled plastic tubes in place for blanching

0150635 - Watering can being filled with water from a plastic water butt

0151030 - Carrots growing in a recycled wooden drawer

0151043 - Kitchen waste compost bin - recycling

0158394 - Radicchio 'Variegata di Castelfranco' - Red Chicory in a recycled metal container

0184570 - Lactuca 'Webb's Wonderful' - Young Lettuces in galvanised container in May

0184608 - Galvanised bin attached to set of wheels, used as portable water butt

0184609 - Galvanised bin attached to set of wheels, used as portable water butt

0191335 - Rustic gate with Rosa 'Amadis' in June

0194326 - Containers of salads and galvanised watering can, July

0261847 - Lettuce 'Cocarde' in June

0281694 - Old leather boots with Hedera and fallen leaves, October